Thursday 13 June 2013

Does the End Justify the Means?

To work with Philosophy, you can explain the ethic theories of Kant and Machiavelli using a piece of this film of Star Wars. Kant distinguished between material ethics and formal ethics; the first one supports that to achieve a certain end, the steps to do it have to be considere with practical reason to achieve what is called The Supreme Good. On the other hand, the formal ethics don't support reflections on means. To this idea is connected the popular statement The end justifies the means. Curiously, it was attributed to Machiavelli because his thinking feeds this theory, but he never affirmed so. Machiavelli worked as an adviser of a prince to help him keep his power and properties.
Once you had explained that, you can put the example of Anakin going to the dark side of the force; he was good but his love was in danger and a bad ambassador misleaded him with the hope to save the woman's life if Anakin learned the dark powers, and that way he did cruel things and became Darth Vader. I made a video with Windows Movie Maker to illustrate the proposal:

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