Thursday 13 June 2013

Travel in the Tardis

The Tardis is the name of the Doctor's spaceship. It looks like an old Police Phone Box and it is bigger on the inside. The Tardis can travel thorugh time and space, so let your students imagination fly and let them travel to an invented planet. You can use it also in Geography by choosing a real place. Fantastic!

The Doctor's Word

Doctor Who is famous for promoting the word instead of the war. He      travels to all kind of planets and treats aliens and other criatures as equals evading racism and prejudices. The children can learn a lot of it and you can create exercises about multiculturalism, empathy and rol playing using this topic. I created an avatar that talks about it at You can use this alien avatar to introduce the lesson and then make a mini performance with rol playing, for example.

Doctor? Doctor Who?

Doctor Who is a science fiction television programme produced by the BBC which depicts the adventures of a Time Lord who is an alien called The Doctor. He explores the universe in his spaceship, the Tardis, what has a police phone box appearance. This show is a significant part of the British popular culture and a cult television favourite. The series combines many aspects that make Doctor Who amazing for kids and they can choose their favourite Doctor because the actors change in each Doctor's regeneration (a kind of dead). Watch the chapters in English could be a fun way to practice listening skills while learning a piece of the british culture. Every season a Christmas Special is made, and you can watch it perfectly even you  don't follow the show. The Doctor, the widow and the wardrobe (season 6) and A Christmas carol (season 7) are examples of Christmas chapters that kids really like.

Schrödinger's Cat

As an example of a science lesson through The Big Bang Theory, you can explain your students the Schrödinger's cat experiment by watching a video in which Sheldon talks about it.

Then you can talk about the most important scientist of all the times and how they comtributed to science and make this IWB activities to consolidate the knowledge:

Smart is the New Sexy!

The characters of The Big Bang Theory are brilliant scientists reflected in the series as nerds. You can learn about some science stuff if you watch it, but before explaining the science activities, I have a proposal analising one of the characters, Sheldon. He is the cleverest of the group, excepcionally gifted. He posseses the Asperger Syndrome or disorder, an autist spectrum disorder characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction, limited empathy with peers and repetitive patterns of behaviour and interests.

You can teach Psychology to your students with this example of behaviourism, studying the disorder and cases. Also you can make a point to the empathy, a very important feeling in mates life.

The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory is a sitcom which title is very adecuated to explain or reinforce your students knowledge about the theory of the creation of the universe. 

To talk about the solar system and the plantes, you can use the website, that has description of all the planets and other bodies of the galaxy so the learners can make reading activities. Also, it has a 3D model of the solar system amazing for kids and even for adults. I was really surprised when I saw it and you can change the hours and see what happens, have a microscope view and other interesting stuff. 

The main theme of the series could be useful to students to remember the theory with music:

New Uniform!

To finish, your students can design a new cape for Superman with some superpowers. They would have to draw and describe it. By doing this, they relax drawing and developing their imagination while they practice writing skills with the description. Furthermore, you can propose them to design a comic frame; there are great tools to do so, like

Here you have the link of the IWB activities related to the superhero:

Create Your OwnOddcast Powered

Where is Superman?

Let your students play games and make creative activities to develop their imagination and have a fun learning process. I designed a game where kids have to talk in a radioshow giving clues about where Superman was. They have a list of all the places so when they finish, the one that was missed to be mentioned is the place where Superman is. I am going to embed one clue as an example of the game and the news I recorded with my own voice. I had to upload to Spreaker the Superman theme that curiously was composed also by John Williams. This is an easy activity that you can make with Audacity or online in the website This task improves the speaking skills and is very funny for them. 

As you know, Superman flies so quickly, even faster than the light, and for that reason he can stay in a lot of places in a few minutes. You are going to divide into groups and each group will have a clue about where Superman was. Turn on the microphone and record the news so your classmates can listen it later on. Find out where is he now listening the clues that your partners are going to tell you! The place that is not mentioned is the one where he is. Don't worry, each group have only a piece of information so all of you start with the same advantages. Good luck!

75 Years With Superman

This year is the 75th aniversary of our well-known hero of all the times, Superman. To celebrate it, you can make some funny activities with your students related to the environment and Geography. I am going to explain and develop some of them aimed at Primary Education:

To introduce the lesson, I created a talking character with the face of Superman. If you want to make one, you have to go to, register and then upload photos or use others of the website and create your own.

Create Your OwnOddcast Powered

Curiosities for the Fans of the Force

Once your students are hooked by the Star Wars Universe, you can comment about some curiosities of the saga to make an interesting close of the unit. One of the most important merits of the films is that George Lucas was a pioneer and visionary of his times, introducing all the fantastic effects mixed with a lot lof topics. The special effects have improved amazingly and nowadays we are used to watch films in high quality with unthinkable effects but, do you know that in the first Star Wars film was only a scene maded by computer?

In addition, the popular sounds like the Dark Vader's breathe was maded with a diver's mask, and the laser swords sound was created by George Lucas with a damaged ventilator.

Reinforce your Force!

To reinforce and consolidate the knowledge of this didactic unit related to Star Wars, I designed some activities with the Smart Notebook. I hope you find my ideas useful and interesting! Thanks for reading. This is an example of the activities I designed:


You can see the IWB activities by doing a click here:

Let's Get an Oscar!

                                                                                 As a final task, the students can create a short film using the Windows Movie Maker that should be related to the topics they learned before, for example of the statement The end justifies the means, science fiction or something like that. You can celebrate at school an Oscars' Gala and aware prizes for the participants. Learners can also invent an object which doesn't exist and promote it creating and advertising with the same tool. That way you can organise the Gala into different categories.

I made an advertisement, The Penguin Writer, with Animoto in and the results are very proffesional:

The Imperial Stormtroopers Invade Compostela!

The May 25th a Star Wars crowd marched around Santiago de Compostela to conmemorate the aniversary of the films and tribute Constantino Romero, who was the spanish voice of Darth Vader. This convention started in 2010 and will take place every year and you can consult the itinerary here:

Talking about Geography, you can teach your students about Galicia and Santiago in particular. This place has a great patrimony, like the Cathedral, and you can plan a trip to Santiago to see the convention while learning geography and culture features.

Does the End Justify the Means?

To work with Philosophy, you can explain the ethic theories of Kant and Machiavelli using a piece of this film of Star Wars. Kant distinguished between material ethics and formal ethics; the first one supports that to achieve a certain end, the steps to do it have to be considere with practical reason to achieve what is called The Supreme Good. On the other hand, the formal ethics don't support reflections on means. To this idea is connected the popular statement The end justifies the means. Curiously, it was attributed to Machiavelli because his thinking feeds this theory, but he never affirmed so. Machiavelli worked as an adviser of a prince to help him keep his power and properties.
Once you had explained that, you can put the example of Anakin going to the dark side of the force; he was good but his love was in danger and a bad ambassador misleaded him with the hope to save the woman's life if Anakin learned the dark powers, and that way he did cruel things and became Darth Vader. I made a video with Windows Movie Maker to illustrate the proposal:

Sunday 9 June 2013

The Music of Star Wars

The original soundtrack of the films were composed by John Williams and the music is famous all over the world. Talking about music, it is important that students learn the best original soundtracks of the films of all the times with their respective authors. This is an opportunity to introduce the topic and show the learners the songs. This is the general song of the films:

Then, we have the term leitmotif, which is a phrase or melodic cell that signifies a character, place, plot element, mood, idea, relationship or other specific part of the film. It commonly is used in modern film scoring as a device for mentally anchoring certain parts of a film to the soundtrack. Of chief importance for a leitmotif is that it must be strong enough for a listener to latch onto while being flexible enough to undergo variation and development.
Darth Vader, one of the most influential characters of the films, has a well-know leitmotif, called The Imperial March. It is based on the well known Funeral March from Chopin's Piano Sonata No 2 in B flat minor and on Mars, the Bringer of War by Gustav Holst. Compare both of them is a great idea to amplify the musical knowledge of your students.This theme is so famous that the best orchrestras performed it. This is an example of it; the Prague Orchrestra playing the Imperial March. Students can watch the video and identify the different instruments which appear and classify them: 



The Revenge of the Sith

Maybe your students don't know about Star Wars, so you can use the information I gave before as an introduction to the films. I chose the Star Wars Episode III: The revenge of the Sith. The first step is to watch the film in English, and if you consider that the learners don't have a good level to follow the film that way, you can put on the subtitles on their mother language to don't let them become frustrated or demotivated.

May the Force be With You!

Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise centered on a film series created by George Lucas, under the popular slogan of May the force be with you. These films feature elements such as knights, witches, princesses and war. Also, the creator had a lot of philosophical and religious influences reflected in the films. You can use these influences and other characteristics of Star Wars to teach students a lot of topics. I am going to put an example of a CLIL didactic unit that you can follow...